
Economica - Your institute for structural change!

Economica is an independent economic research institute sui generis. Our motto is: Relevant Economics. Our maxim is future-shaping insights - since 2005.

We are exclusively committed to the principles of academic integrity and innovative solution orientation. Both in the choice of its research agenda and its research partners, the institute is entirely free. Our research focuses on the analysis and design of economic structural change and the related economic phenomena and social processes. For this purpose, the institute uses theoretical and empirical methods at the  state-of-the-art – or it defines it first.

Economica is funded by national and inter-/supranational proposal, contract and program research. The institute receives no core public funding, nor is its governance subject to influence by external stakeholders. Our excellent human capital base is characterized by gender parity and demographic diversity and is based exclusively on regular employment relationships defined in service contracts.

The Economica Institute of Economic Research is part of the Cognion Research Network of socio-economic and natural science institutes with on-site presences in Austria, Germany and Slovakia. The Cognion research network, which currently employs around 110 people in Austria, is based in Vienna.

All executive functions in the institute are performed by its own team members:

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Dr. Daniela Grozea-Helmenstein, MA, MBA

Member of the board

Tel.: +43 676 3200 402

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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Helmenstein

University Professor at the Private University of Seeburg Castle, Member of the board/Managing director

Tel.: +43 676 3200 401

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DI. Helmut Berrer

Member of the board

Tel.: +43 676 3200 403

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Mag. Dr. Christoph M. Schneider

Managing director

Tel.: +43 660 8900 831