Impact analysis / economic footprint
The economic effects emanating from individual companies can reach immense proportions.
Their business activities therefore have a local and regional, and not infrequently a national or even global relevance. This applies analogously to major cultural or sporting events, and even more so to entire sectors of the economy.
The economic footprint shows the totality of economically relevant effects emanating from business activity. As Europe's leading institute in economic impact analysis, Economica maintains a sophisticated portfolio of so-called "satellite accounts" at the cutting edge of research for this purpose. Topic-specific satellite accounts map cross-cutting issues such as the digital economy, the cultural economy, the security economy or the sports economy (together with SportsEconAustria) in a timely manner. Company-specific satellite accounts currently allow both static and dynamic impact analyses for around 25 groups of companies, taking into account their unique selling points.
The use of satellite accounts enables both value added and purchasing power effects as well as employment effects to be shown precisely. Attached tax and contribution matrices also determine the associated fiscal benefits. In addition, satellite accounts serve as a powerful tool for impact simulation of strategic decisions, such as locating headquarters activities, establishing research centers, making expansion investments or staging major events.